Deluxe listings are in order of their start date to reward loyalty – especially those that have been with us for many years! Please look below the deluxe listings for our free listings in alphabetical order.
Kender Siberian Cats & Kittens
Quality, health, temperament and type are everything a Kender Siberian is. 20 years plus of winning your heart and in the ring. Everything a Siberian Should be. Traditional colors only. Long Lived Health tested lines.
[Deluxe Listing Started 7/10/2016] [Deluxe Listing Updated 11/22/2023]
Pumaridge Siberians of Arizona
Small hobby breeder in Northern Arizona. We breed for health, temperament and socialization. Members of both TICA and CFA Cat Associations. Our Siberian Cats are loved and happily raised as part of our family. Never Caged. Our cats & kittens are socialized with our Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Our cats are Genetically health tested. We provide an excellent health guarantee against FIP, PKD and HCM. Our kittens go home with up to date shots, and are Vet checked. Many colors available in Traditional and Colorpoint.
[Deluxe Listing Started 7/30/2016] [Deluxe Listing Updated 12/28/2023]
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