Deluxe listings are in order of their start date to reward loyalty – especially those that have been with us for many years! Please look below the deluxe listings for our free listings in alphabetical order.
Highlander Maine Coons
Grand Champion Highlander Miracle
eight month old brown tabby female
Hand Raised Beautiful Tabby Babies Bred For Health and Tempermant.
Teresa and Edwin Sweeney
Central Ohio Area
[Deluxe Listing Started 8/10/2005] [Deluxe Listing Updated 11/22/2024]
Maine Delite Cattery
Maine Coon Breeder – Sharing our wonderful cats with those who value their pets as family members. We work very hard to maintain the standards for which Maine Coons orginally were admired for. Health, temperment and structure.
Michele Cole 614-582-6478 or 614-764-0943
[Deluxe Listing Started 8/31/2006] [Deluxe Listing Updated 2/18/2024]
Maine Lvrs Cattery
Maine Lvrs Cattery is located in Northeastern Ohio. Affectionate kittens available from national and regional winning lines. Kittens raised underfoot in our loving home. Breeding cats tested for HCM by echocardiogram and are dna negative. Breeding cats hip certified by x-ray to assure good hip rating. Kittens guaranteed to be FeLV/FIV negative and contract includes genetic health guarantee. Our successful goal has always been to improve the maine coon breed for health, temperament and structure. We thoroughly enjoy this breed and share our lovely kittens with people whom value their pets as a part of their family. Colors available include browns, silvers, reds, blues, creams, patched females and colors may be with or without white. Patterns include both classic and mackerel.
Contact Michelle at 440-221-0021
[Deluxe Listing Started 6/26/2011] [Deluxe Listing Updated 11/22/2023]
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