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[All Breeds] [Balinese] [Bengal] [Exotic Shorthair] [Maine Coon] [Persian] [Ragdoll] [Siamese] [Siberian Cat] [Sphynx] [Tibetan Cat] [Turkish Angora] [Turkish Van] [White Turkish Van]
Artcityclaws Maine Coon Cattery – Lovingly home raised kittens that grow into beautiful & loving gentle giants! (Maine Coon)
Beeblebrox Sphynx – View our newest arrivals and apply for your new sphynx Beeble Baby online! (Sphynx)
Cattail Forest – Since 2006, Cattail Forest Bengals has been a small cattery in Belmont, a suburb of Grand Rapids, Michigan. (Bengal)
Celebrity Maine Coon – Small family run cattery raising happy, healthy kittens. Located in mid-Michigan . (Maine Coon)
Chateaumane Turkish Angoras – Small responsible home-based program. CFA and TICA registered /pedigreed. Health tested parents. (Turkish Angora)
Chelcecats – Exclusive home of current award winning silver persians. CFA registered, DNA PKD negative only. (Persian)
Fancy Lynx Maine Coons – CFA and TICA registered Maine Coon cattery. We specialize in 100% purebred European Maine Coons. (Maine Coon)
FluffyGiants Cattery – Maine Coon breeder with European Champion bloodlines sire’s & dam’s (Maine Coon)
Fursace Persians – Small hobby breeder raising kittens under foot, specializing in tabby Persians with occasional solids and smokes. CFA & TICA registered cattery wi (Persian)
Halima Turkish Vans – Kittens raised in home environment all coat and eyecolors (White Turkish Van, Turkish Van)
Hot Spotz Bengals – Exquisite Bengals from championship bloodlines with amazing exotic wild type & superb temperaments! (Bengal)
Katz Meow Cattery – TCA/ACA Old fashioned Siamese kittens in Waterford, Michigan (Siamese)
Koontucky Maine Coons – We have been breeding to preserve, protection and improve the Maine Coon since 1984 and are long standing MCBFA Breeder Members. (Maine Coon)
MaineGate Maine Coon Cattery – A CFA registered Cattery of Excellence (Maine Coon)
MyChampionHeart (MCH) Ragdolls – Home raised amongst our family. Well socialized, LOVED, a part of our family & genetically tested. (Ragdoll)
Oakland Hills Bengals – Specializing in exotic looks and sweet temperament. World Champion bloodlines. (Bengal)
Purse Persians – We are a family run Cattery specializing and chinchilla and blue eyed white Persians. Our cats and kittens are playful and have wonderful personaliti (Persian, Exotic Shorthair)
RGABengals – We are a dual registered cattery that raises well socialized, healthy kittens from champion lines. (Bengal)
Rocketmans Maine Coons – Small home cattery featuring European blood lines. Silver and Shaded available (Maine Coon)
Rose Cottage Ragdolls – Very sweet, blue eyed pointed Ragdoll cats (Ragdoll)
Schatzi Cats – We raise registered Siberian cats/kittens underfoot in a clean, non-smoking home environment. (Siberian Cat)
Tarkkhaven Russian Siberians – Tarkkhaven Siberians home of the beautiful Neva Masquerade Russian Siberian Cats. (Siberian Cat)
Thai Dee Maew Cattery – We have been breeding Siamese, Balinese and Tibetans since 2014. (Balinese, Siamese, Tibetan Cat)
Wildchild Maine Coons – Maine Coons of Wildchild, Breeders of Breathtaking Maine Coons ! (Maine Coon)